sku - smartplyultimaosb4

SMARTPLY ULTIMA OSB4 - Enhanced Moisture Resistance

SMARTPLY ULTIMA is an extremely high-performance engineered wood panel (OSB4) suitable for the most demanding structural applications in offsite manufacturing and construction

Applications: Offsite construction systems, panelised systems (timber frame; steel frame; SIP’s), volumetric 3D modular builds (Pods), commercial buildings (e.g insulated infill panels), industrial buildings (e.g Mezzanine flooring), ‘Massive’ OSB construction systems, hybrid construction (e.g. Cross Laminated Timber, CLT), site-based construction (e.g. Insulated Concrete Formwork, ICF), engineered timber components (e.g. roof cassettes; box beams), industrial packaging (e.g. automotive; aeronautical), decorative applications (bright, smooth surface)

Features and Benefits: A highly engineered OSB4 panel, ideal for timber frame and construction projects with large spans, increased racking strength, high load-bearing capacity, enhanced moisture resistance, improved rigidity

Specifications: SMARTPLY ULTIMA is manufactured using state of the art ContiRoll® technology consisting of moisture resistant and formaldehyde-free bonding of wood strands, precision strand orientation and continuous pressing to produce large panels up to 2.8m wide by 7.5m long and to a maximum thickness of 40mm. It is a cost-effective alternative in humid and high-load structural applications when compared to a similar performing exterior structural plywood

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Smartply osb boards,sheet materials